Elevate your career with the most comprehensive cancer exercise training program in the WORLD!

OncoVie™ Breast Cancer Recovery BOSU® Specialist
“BOSU® training is about expanding movement capabilities, reshaping bodies, and strengthening minds. It’s about inserting thought into movement. Andrea has spent over two decades creating a cancer recovery program that embraces all of these aspects and more. Her program is without a doubt the most comprehensive and individualized program on the market.”
– David Weck, Inventor and Founder BOSU® Fitness, LLC and Creator of The WeckMethod ™
CETI is considered the gold-standard in oncology-exercise training worldwide. Since 1995 we have trained more OncoVie™ Cancer Exercise Specialists worldwide than any other organization.
The OncoVie™ Breast Cancer Recovery BOSU® Specialist Advanced Qualification was developed for health and fitness professionals seeking to attain a higher level of mastery and work with breast cancer patients during and after cancer surgery and treatment and into survivorship. Participants will gain a complete understanding of the entire breast cancer process from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction and survivorship. Our unique and individualized programming will help to improve the patient’s ability to cope with the mental and physical stress following cancer diagnosis and treatment. Using the BOSU® Balance Trainer, participants will learn how to prescribe corrective exercises for muscle imbalances and range of motion deviations, as well as exercises to promote lymph drainage.
If you are a health or fitness professional, the BCRBS course will allow you to:
- Gain an understanding or breast cancer surgery, treatment, and reconstructive procedures
- Gain an understanding of lymphedema; learn how to implement appropriate lymph drainage protocols and learn the appropriate progression of exercises for each client
- Gain an understanding of cancer treatment, the acute and chronic side-effects, and learn the appropriate progression of exercises for each client
- Learn how to conduct a comprehensive physical assessment that includes a postural assessment, goniometric measurements, Trendelenberg Test, Modified Thomas Test, and more
- Learn how to create safe and effective exercise programming, for in-person or virtual training, for individuals or groups using the BOSU® Balance Trainer